HIU Service Packages


HIU Annual Service:

HIU Annual Service
  • Annual Service to your HIU to check it’s running safely and efficiently  
  • Repairs to your HIU and associated heating controls so you’re covered if things go wrong 
  • Unlimited call outs, subject to a £100 excess per call out  
  • 24/7 remote support
  • You can find our full Terms and Conditions here. All our Service Agreements are subject to a FREE initial inspection and exclude any existing faults

£95 Per Year

Book HIU Service

HIU One-Off Service:

HIU One-Off Service
  • One-Off Service to your HIU to check it’s running safely and efficiently 
  • Identify system faults or other potential issues 
  • Ideal for landlords and homeowners looking for peace of mind 
  • Nationwide team of manufacturer trained technicians so you’re in the right hands 
  • You can find our full Terms and Conditions here

£84 One-Off fee excluding any repair or parts

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Emergency HIU Repair:

Emergency HIU Repair
  • We’re here to respond to your HIU emergency 
  • Our call-out charge covers up to 3 hours labour to investigate and repair any HIU fault 
  • No travel charges – you pay for up to 3 hours at your home 
  • Nationwide team of manufacturer trained technicians so you’re in the right hands 
  • If your repair will take longer than 3 hours, or requires parts, we will provide a fixed cost repair option
  • All replacement parts are manufacturer supplied or of the same standard

£225 excluding any parts or labour above 3 hours

Book HIU Repair